Sagittarius Season: A Creative Spark
About time we dropped the dead weight…
While I tend to follow western astrology I likely too energetically vibrate on its behalf.
If you’re new to energy and astrology, my hopes would be that you at-least read through this short article in order to start making your own connections to what might be similar energies playing out in your life! …also stay tuned for more topics like these.
But for now:
For this entry way into the adventure loving, truth speaking, zodiacal fire sign, we take on a new moon just in the first coming days of December also slam dunking the last eclipse of 2021.
This is truly a time of invigoration and creative callings! Meaning, we are being pulled into our passions without the fog of our overthinking, sometimes hyper investigative, Scorpionic mind that preceded this transit. (All signs are transformative due to the sign that comes before them, in turn offering us lessons of growth.)
How we move forward now mainly depends on what we allowed ourselves to release this past month in November. Death was prominent… & many of our structured relationships burdened (I can almost certainly guarantee).
Let’s get our Fool card energy poppin’! I know a lot of us are thinking, “it’s about…